Stainless Steel Stove How Do I Get My Black And Stainless Steel Stove To Shine?

How do I get my black and stainless steel stove to shine? - stainless steel stove

I still intend to buy new equipment, and finally have a stainless steel refrigerator, microwave, gas oven and a stove with a black and polished stainless steel and I am a terrible time trying to get black for a clean appearance! I have opaque Windex, soap and water, Dawn, a commercial cleaner and the head of a rule or "spot". Help!


rvblatz said...

The Home Depot in the cleaning department. STAINLESS called Magic $ 4.89 CAN is a great book comes in spray can also use the cleaning and polishing prouduct another major you'll love

murrayc said...

Never clean while still warm
Use cleaner for the top is not recommended
Windex cleaner and stainless steel is good for the rest
with clean grain

metalmas... said...

"Sheila Shine" for steel, "Ceramibrite" to his superior, if it is against a "glass". Please use the foam Windex after a good cleaning with warm water, greased lightning

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