Beautiful Agony Women Shouldn't We Insist On 'an Eye For An Eye'?

Shouldn't we insist on 'an eye for an eye'? - beautiful agony women

They have been married happily for two months, the most beautiful women in the world and is deeply loved.
Then, a sub-man, she takes him into a forest, the viola da gamba show buried up to his neck that his head poured gasoline shot to the head, and laughed, she screams and dies.
He caught. If we do not seek the same thing for him, instead of prison life, food and shelter, exercise, and perhaps even with a computer and TV, and you only enjoy sex, or with his fellow prisoners, == Then she died, and died in agony? == And her husband is sick of his death.
I think that sucks in many ways our American prison system. And we pay the hard earned money to support in the form of taxes.


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