Down Syndrome Cell My Son Who Is 16 And Has Down Syndrome Wants A Cell Phone. I Have A Corporate Phone So I Can Not To A Plan.?

My son who is 16 and has Down Syndrome wants a cell phone. I have a corporate phone so I can not to a plan.? - down syndrome cell

I want to buy him a Pay As You Go mobile phone. Here are my concerns:
1. we can choose an easy number to remember him?
2. There are camera phones pay as you go, so you can save an image with name Preson too?
3. What are the best plans do not extinguished minutes if not used within a certain number of days after activation?


gurlygur... said...

The number is given for you, you need to write somewhere, or find a good way to remember him. And the first use of a company that works best in your environment. Some simply do not work well in some cities and counties.

strangel... said...

are not the number that have been
Yes, there are some camera phones Prepaid Mobile Phone
do not expire, many prepaid plans take a few cents a day. But that's all.

strangel... said...

are not the number that have been
Yes, there are some camera phones Prepaid Mobile Phone
do not expire, many prepaid plans take a few cents a day. But that's all.

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