Infant Rash After Fever 15 Month Old Infant With Rash?

15 Month Old Infant with Rash? - infant rash after fever

My son is 15 months old was roseola about a week and a half. As the symptoms of this custom began with a fever. Once the fever broke, broke into a rash. The rash is not gone!

The type of eruption is not the same place - which began as a small, flat dark spots. Began in the days after the outbreak, has become to change the texture and color of the skin.

Well, it has many small grains of color around the legs, some in their arms, and a little on his face. I went to the doctor twice already. A couple of days we have had some lab work, and all results were good. It will send a dermatologist, because you do not know why my son this condition.

Has anyone seen this before? The rash does not bother him at all - eat well, sleep, play, etc. is just great!

Thank you!


lupa03 said...

My son had roseola is too long to disappear, it was time for the show, but he did. A dermatologist is probably the best solution for a real answer. In the meantime, try to see oatmeal baths, washing and fragrance free mild soap such as Aveeno or Aquaphor to whether it might be appropriate.

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